Please read before visiting

Important Notices

about press inquiries Hatsune Miku “Magical Mirai 2024” Media Coverage

*Latest update: July 18th(Thu.), 2024.

*Schedules are subject to change without notice.

Media Coverage

About coverage during the event

The press permission days, and application deadline of Hatsune Miku “Magical Mirai 2024” are listed below.


Press days: August 17th(Sat.), 2024

Application deadline: August 9th(Fri.), 2024


Press days: August 30th(Fri.), 2024

Application deadline: August 26th(Mon.), 2024


Press days: October 12th(Sat.), 2024

Application deadline: October 7th(Mon.), 2024

Press regulations

Press for the media coverage are limited to those who satisfy the following conditions (editor, reporter, staff, photographer).

  1. Newspaper Company or Publisher of a serial publication
  2. News or Information Site established by a corporation
  3. Television station (including program production company · BS · CS · cable television)
  4. Radio stations (including program production companies)
  5. A writer / photographer who has a contract with a publication / production company.
  • Please read the "Important Notices" before sending any press inquiries.

    Important Notices

  • Please note that we may not accept coverage which does not have a specific schedule for broadcasting or publication, as well as interviews which do not align with the aim of the event.
  • Press inquiries which are granted coverage permission will receive a media guideline to follow.
  • If you are a corporation or individual business owner who does not match the descriptions above, or an individual who manages accounts such as blogs and SNS, please observe the following "Rules for Support".

    Rules for Support